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Monday, June 21, 2010

PA boys in Whetstone tearin it up!!!

These videos are of Jeff in his mud bogger and the PA boys in their diesel trucks.

The first video is of Jeff laying it all out in Whetstone.I think of all the video that I shot over MDW,that Jeff probly had the best show.He attacked the Circle Hole, like it had kicked his dog!
The next video is of the PA boys in their massive diesels.It always seems to be a little funny to me watching them diesels in the mud.When I was growing up in Whetstone you didn't see very many diesel trucks there.But, these guys can change your minds on running these engines.If you take the time to watch the video you will understand what I'm talking about.Once those things are cranked up you can see that these boys might be on to something.Very nice show fellas!!!
I would like to mention that ZACKSIX also has a channel on youtube under Sixpackmotorsports check it out.He has some fairground mud bogs on it.
Ok ,I hope to see everyone out there in a mud bogger on the 4th of July. Just remember it doesn't have to be a holiday weekend to enjoy a little mud!
So stop down and check out Whetstone enjoy yourself and be safe!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Whetstone MDW 2010 Bubba Badass

This is a video of Bubba. My brother is driving the mud bogger, but it belongs to his daughter. Several people have contributed to building this truck.Most of the credit has to go to my brother and nephew who have basicly built this truck from the ground up. My brother bought the body from the PA boys.The rest was scrounged together from other mud boggers that didn't survive. It may not be the biggest truck in Whetstone ,but it is pretty reliable. As you can see it was once a blazer.I think it looks a whole lot better as a truck.His daughter seems to be pretty proud of it.She is the one who gave it the name Bubba Badass. Well Kate I think Bubba looks pretty good!

I have a few more videos to add of Memorial Day Weekend. I have some of the PA boys in their diesels,Earls truck pulling the front tires off the ground and Jeff doing his best to get his truck buried. But I'm having trouble with Blogger and Youtube,so please hang in there and I will do my best to get them posted for ya.

Now everyone get to turning them wrenches ,cause the Fourth of July will be here soon!!!

Ok remember to join us in Whetstone to have fun and always be safe!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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