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Friday, August 27, 2010

Whetstone WV Pictures Of Friends And Their Mud Boggers in the 90's

This video is from the 90's. It contains pictures of good friends, their family and most importantly, their mud boggers. I know I promised this to everyone awhile back , and yes I finally finished it. Just in time to get ready for Labor Day Weekend. And yes I remember that I still owe you all the video for 4th Of July. I promise I will have it in the near future. I hope you enjoy the pictures and the music. The video features a song called "kick it in the sticks" by Brantley Gilbert. This kid has a great voice and real talent for writing songs. As long as you like mud bogging and good country music! Enjoy the video and stop back.

Remember when you're playin in the mud, to have fun and be safe!!! See ya soon!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Whetstone 4TH of July 2010 Kaity and Bubba

Here is Kaity and Bubba doing their best to show what a good ole country girl can do.This was of the 4th of July weekend at the Circle Hole in Whetstone. She was told to do her best no matter what the cost and by the looks of it she did. So with everyone watching she played in all the big holes "with smaller tires" with all the rest of the boys. And I think she did a preety good jobmyself! If you dont think so, maybe some of you weekend warriors should stop down and try to whip her and Bubba. Just remember her foot goes a little farther down then ours. She doesn't have to pay for it or work on it,Right "Dad" right "Daniel" Well ,I hope to see a big turn out for Labor Day Weekend.There's only one month left to get your boggers ready,so get to bolting.
I have some more footage of 4th of July and will be bringing it to you very soon . I also have a whole bunch of pictures to show you all. They were taken in the late 80"s through the 90's ,but it's taking a long time to pick and chose . Please be alittle patient with I'm kinda new at this. So stop back in a few and I promise I will have both for you.
Ok keep the engines running and the tires turning !
Most of all (Have fun and be safe)!!!

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